Hemp oil is a very gentle means of treating the skin of children and pregnant and lactating women. Helps treat eczema and severe acne.
Hemp oil contains ceramides - fats that help regulate skin hydration.
Cannabis is an annual, 80-150 cm tall herb with typical multiple lanceolate leaves. It is an ancient cultural plant, the use of which has been known since ancient times. Compared to the Indian minimum, hemp contains THC, so it is not a feared drug for some, but it is traditionally used to make ropes, textile fibers or paper.
Hemp oil in our offer
Pure oil, ointment or dense cream is suitable for dry and older skin, they can also prove to be a protection, for example in the winter in the mountains. For oily or combination skin, less dense products should be used: lighter balms and gels. We also use hemp oil in the production of hair cosmetics, because it has a very calming effect on sensitive scalp.
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133 Kč